Friday, February 25, 2011

Loves Labours Lost?

I apologise, Beard Lovers. I know I've skipped a week or so, but I was hoping the Valentine's holiday and proceeding days would provide more material for my promised "sexy-time" entry than it did. So let's just get down to it. (WARNING, this entry may be a little more explicit than normal.)

I had presumed that eventually this experiment would result in several months of celibacy (i.e February through December). However, I have discovered that most ladies I encounter find my new look rugged and Brawny Man sexy. They stroke my face and love how soft and luxurious it has become -- it really is quite amazing. 

Unfortunately, my interest in the vagina business has only been a passing fascination and as a friend once told me: "just because you occasionally stick your dick in a women doesn't mean you're bisexual -- it just means you've had too much to drink". Truer words have never been spoken.

Conversely, most men I discuss my beard with are in awe and express admiration. They either can't grow their facial hair because it's patchy and doesn't come in even or because something is holding them back -- like a partner or a job.

Overall, we are getting a good reception, but what about my target market? What about my dating pool? Then I think: maybe it's time to move to another pool. Maybe I need to stop rejecting all those I did in the past (e.g. those boys that look like I do now). Is this the first realisation of my shallow past? Only time will tell and I will, of course, keep you all posted. 

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